Thursday, November 15, 2012

a few words with Cgak about Biceratops

For those of you who know me, know that since 9th grade I've been heavily influenced by the band Rx Bandits. Since then I've been able to watch my favorite band write two albums, each time surpassing all expectations I had. Members from Rx have numerous side projects that span genres and add to the arsenal of musicianship that these dudes hold. The latest of these side projects comes in the form of a rock/prog trio equipped with heavy cuts and tech riffs. Biceratops is Matt Embree and Chris Tsagakis of Rx Bandits and features Jaun Alderete of The Mars Volta and Big Sir. Chris was nice enough to answer the questions I bombarded him with about the upcoming release...

I know that these songs were jams that you've had for a while but, did you guys write a lot of extra stuff for the album? 
Well, the base of the songs were from jams, I wrote some synth parts over the jams, and of course Juan played bass on a few songs. Other than that, its just the parts from the jams.

Was it hard to find time to solidify those jams inbetween all the other projects you guys have goin on?
Actually, I solidified them my self on my home computer while my daughter was an infant, most of those jams were pieced together with my daughter sleeping near me or in my arm using my other arm to edit tracks. At the time we didn't have much else going on any way.

So you guys have played a couple shows but they've been pretty spread out, are you planning on touring to support the release?
We might do a few so cal shows, maybe a nor. cal. show, in fact, I wanted to talk to you about a San Bernardino show, other than that, we will be open to offers for touring, but have no plans for a full tour as of now.

Dude tell me about this 5 color lithogram that comes with the pre-order!!
The print is made up of 5 linoleum blocks I carved myself, printed on 11 x 14 bristol paper, Im prob gonna do a little youtube vid soon talkin about it, show the blocks and process a little

Thats rad! Just watched the video, did you guys do that yourselves? it looks awesome!
yeah, I did it all, shoot, direct, edit.

How long did it take to shoot?
just an afternoon

How are the pre-orders going?
I'm not sure how many presale are left, its probably pretty close to sold out. After that people can get the vinyl by itself or digital from itunes, both probably by the beginning of next month.

damn, awesome that you guys already filled those pre sales. cool. I'm Just gonna post it up then people can check out the video and what not. Thanks dude.
Fer sure, thanks man

Thursday, November 8, 2012

SD Beer Week Thumbs Up!

So here at Milk and Cookies we love the simple things in life, like beer, and David Choe. So in honor of SDBW (San Diego Beer Week), we bring you our version of Vice's Thumbs Up! with very special hosts Dj Joey Q the Chef and you guessed it the son of my uncles mother, Dilliam H. Macy. Look out for more updates in the following days. Also check out the real Thumbs up! Here

A few Words with iawN

I recently had a interweb bro to bro with artist, iawN the N.R. Getic, about art, his name, and how he's nominated for Raw Artist visual Artist of the Year. We both grew up in San Bernardino, Ca but we went to different high schools so we didn't meet up until later in life. I was part of a couple shows with the Zealous kids last year and told iawN we should kick it and paint but sadly it didn't happen before I moved back down to San Diego, so it was cool to chat it up via messaging back and forth like in middle school when foxygrl45 gave you her screen name. 

When did you first remember creating art, what made you want to draw as a kid?
My earliest memory of wanting to be an artist spawned from a love for comic books. My father had taken me to the mall (Central City Mall at the time, now Carousel in SB), bought me a few marvel comics. Before even getting back on the bus to go home, he sat me down and we flipped through them all. I was in awe. since then i was always trying to mimic the characters, drawing girls names in 2nd grade trapped in Spider-Man's webbing.

thats rad! I remember central city so well from when I was a kid and how ghetto fab that shit was. Now its just a bummer. So were you a kid that had doodles all over the margins of his homework? Always, I can find notes from high school and even recent college courses that are just riddled with sketches, graffiti, early designs of my logo. I don't get rid of them, keep them for inspiration. Sometimes I've revamped characters or letters and and released them to the public. I never thought they would make it that far. Some do.

I have a binder of good doodles from high school and college. Only the good ideas get taken to the next level, haha. So are you still in school? Where do you go or did you go and for what?
Unfortunately I am still in school, I finally took my head out of my ass when I was about 25 or 26 and started at RCC, taking it seriously as opposed to the time when I was 18 starting at Crafton, or then 20 at Valley. I'm going for a Business degree, I take some design classes here and there as well. I've never taken art classes until college.

yeah its hard to get motivated, or at least it was for me from age 18-24, party years. So what have you been up to recently in the IE? I know you and the zelus crew were doing it big when i left, you still rockin shows?
I'm not sure what month you left, but we're still making moves. The last ZLS Together event, #6 was really fun. 80's themed, I came in 2nd for the body painting contest. Did a sick Voltron piece. Aside from that I've been rocking a couple of shows solo from IE to LA, The Zealous Creative will be helping me host an upcoming record release party for Sully. I have back to back gigs coming up next week, Wednesday we'll be painting w/ the ZLS creative, then the next day is my big day hopefully. I made it into the top 5 nominations for RAWards 2012, Visual Artist of the Year Semi Finals (say that 5 times fast). The artists in 9 different categories will be announced that night and then move on to the finals in Hollywood. Pretty stoked, it's the biggest independent art awards show in the world.

Hell yeah! I saw that you were nominated, congrats dude! that rules. I was going to bring that up. What's raw all about? Is it local or nationwide?
Yea its all over. There are some mixed feelings about the organization that have been expressed through other artists that I know, just how you have to initially sell tickets, or come out of pocket for a spot, but I love it. It's been a blessing. As a matter of fact I sold the Voltron painting from the 80's show at my last RAW showcase. I've had two so far. The video they produce for you is awesome, they've been really chill on letting me do my own filming there, and raffles and such so I dig it. I recommend anyone looking for more exposure contact them.

Where does your name stem from?
I go by iawN the N.R Getic. I am energy, we all are. I used to write graff for a few years, NME one, or simply Nme! , then one day I saw my name upside down on a folder and it clicked. I have virtually no enemies, nothing but friends. Now I didn't have to drop the name as whole I could just flip the game upside down, be more like the creator. So now I am like positive ions, I am iawN the N.R.Getic.

When you start a piece do you like to map it out before or how much prep goes into your process?
I'm more of an off the cuff creation type of guy. I love painting scenes and just going along with it. My universe paintings get pretty gnarly. For events that I might have limited time on or customers who want something specific I'll at least sketch something out and have some sort of idea where I am going. Some of my best and most interesting pieces however, were almost all at random until the end, which was then fine detailed toward a goal or an image.

I saw that universe piece you and Joe did, shit looked dope, do you paint a lot with other people?
Him and I have collaborated on a few cosmic pieces, they're always fun and get crazier every time.

How do you balance painting and design projects as both are a ton of work.
I love to paint with other artists, even if we are working on separate pieces, I love to paint around friends. I'm much more productive in that environment rather than left alone to my own thoughts. I think that sort of camaraderie came from early year graff missions. They had your back like it was hereditary.Its hard to sometimes, I am constantly trying to design when hanging out with friends. my laptop stays with me, the painting is more of a planned action, making sure i have the right paints and such with me where I will be bustin at. but it does get tough, there's my passion then there's how I network and make ends meet sometimes. Both are definitely necessary for my overall growth as an artist in what I'm doing, so no matter what there will always be somewhat of a balance ya know?

Yeah it kind of comes natural to do so much work because its work you have a passion for even if you feel like you get burnt out
I'm always spreading myself too thin too

Whats going to be your focus after the raw awards?
If i advance next week I'll focus on the January showcase in Hollywood. If I win, I hope to travel spreading a message of love and peace through my art and my clothing designs. If not, I'll probably make a move towards Los Angeles, perhaps New York. I know they will need help rebuilding after this gnarly hurricane. I'm dying for a change, so it will be interesting to see what happens with me if the world doesn't end next month.

Well that's what were all banking on. Change is good.
Right?! It is. I have been in a funk for quite some time.

Have you traveled in the past?
I've never made it out of the country, I traveled to the east coast and back when I was a kid for a family reunion and once in 4th grade working with my dad. Hopped around Colorado for the summer selling merchandise then trekked back home just in time for school. Aside from that, I was in the LA and OC areas a few years back but the... incident occurred, (haha) and I moved back to the IE. Oh and once to Maryland from OC for my grandmothers funeral. It was good seeing family.

Where would you want to go if you had the chance just to bounce and go explore somewhere?
Europe. There's just so much there. Possibly Africa, feel some roots.

Do you have sea legs? I've heard boating across the Atlantic on like a freight cargo ship can be insane
That sounds pretty crazy. I'm not sure how I would take to the situations in open waters. I've gone whale watching once in middle school that's about as far out as I might venture. I don't know why a 15 hour flight sounds and better or safer.

Yeah planes scare me but only when i think about it while on them, I'm sure a boat would have similar effects. Anything else you want to throw out there? I don't have any more questions ha
I'm a Lost fan, I should be scared of planes. Keep an eye out for new art, I'm transitioning to this trippy style incorporating sacred geometry, neon, glow in the dark hidden stuff. Hoping to aid in the ascended awareness of our people. It's time to wake up on a lot going on.

If you were a character on lost who would you be?
Hugo for sure

Nice lets end it there. That was a nice ending.

You can fin more on iawN at or on his Facebook page. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nerdpop: The World Cup of Politics

Our good friends at Nerdpop posted this yesterday, and it's some stuff i'd been thinking about concerning favoritism towards Obama post Sandy, and how the whole world has eyes on us today. Enjoy this little article contributed by nerdpop's resident milk drinking writer known as Trey Stancher.

It is often said of the four general election presidential debates that occur every four years that they are the “Super Bowl of politics”. This is due largely to the fact that it is the main event of general politicking. It’s not a primary debate—usually aired on cable news networks—in which mostly partisan voters pay attention. The four presidential debates (one being between the VP candidates) are aired on all four major networks that everyone who owns a television has access to. They are additionally run on those same cable news networks, in which the pre-and-post-analysis is often much more “beltway,” and the discussions rage on into the night and through the following week.
Indeed, the major networks forgo advertising dollars and regularly-scheduled programming to air 90 minute debates between people who are auditioning for leader of the free world. The United States Presidency is the most visibly office on Earth, and is therefore the center of the world’s politics. Regional disputes in areas like the Middle-East or South America, as well as political strife that occurs in Iran and Tibet… in everything there is always a role for the U.S. President, even if that role is refusing to take a role.
If the debates are the Super Bowl of politics then election day itself is the World Cup. Everyone, and I mean everyone around the world will be watching the United States on election day. Four years ago numerous nations had taken it upon themselves to hold mock elections. This year GlobeScan ran a 21-nation surveybetween Obama and Romney. Of the 21 nations polled a shoddy 9% favored Romney.
Canada went for Obama 2 to 1. France went for Obama 3 to 1. IN fact, the only nation involved with the poll that saw a majority favor Romney… was Pakistan. In other words, the nation that was housing Osama bin Laden for over 7 years is the same nation that Romney said we shouldn’t bother with in terms of bin Laden, and is the only nation that supports Mitt Romney.
It doesn’t really matter what other nations say about our election because, hey… they’re not going to vote, right? Yes, it’s true, however what is important is that this is all one very large flashing signal that Republicanism is dying on the world stage… and that will eventually lead to it dying within our borders. It will happen. It’s been happening for a few years now. You have an entire multi-state population of lower middle class people across the South that support a mega-rich Mormon. These are people that are generally skeptical of rich folk, and have also spent the last 100+ years being skeptical of Mormons. Yet, they’re voting for Romney in overwhelming numbers. They’re doing so because of generalized principles regarding taxes, all of which are arguments that have little-to-no anchor in reality. For example: When they say that Obama is trying to punish rich people by taking their money they are ignoring (or have no idea regardless) that Obama is merely wanting to return top tax rates to Clinton-era levels—which are proven-successful tax rates. Much more often than not, in an expected twist of hardcore irony all of those who complain about Obama “stealing from the rich and giving to the poor” are in fact poor themselves. To a guy like Romney the President is poor. After all, Romney is worth $250 million and makes $20 million a year… while Obama is worth $4-6 million and only makes $400k per year as President. It’s an act of political wizardry that so many Republicans think that their party considers them (with their small business and their $100-200k income) to be part of “the wealthy class”. The GOP doesn’t care about them, the GOP cares about guys like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers. Those guys are rich. Those guys contribute to their campaigns, not you and your wife and kids. The fact of the matter is that the whole “One Percent” thing that Occupy Wall Street hinged upon is a matter of millions of dollars. You have to make more than $2 million per year to ACTUALLY be a part of the “One Percent”. If you’re not and you think you are then you are the political and economic equivalent of the house slave during World War II who considered himself to be part of the slave master’s family. You aren’t, and you’re not only an idiot to think that you are… you’re an idiot to defend them.
There’s another interesting angle on this, though. The Republican National Convention took place from August 27-30 in Tampa, Florida. It was originally scheduled to go for 5 days, but the first day was canceled due to Hurricane Isaac.
Last week Hurricane Sandy happened. It’s one of the largest storms on record, and if Obama’s handling of the disaster on the federal level doesn’t completely shit on Romney’s open theory that “everything” can be done on the state level (or even the private sector)… certainly Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie’s sudden adoration of the President does. Just days before the hurricane hit Governor Christie had railed against Obama’s leadership qualities in a speech. After the hurricane touched down in New Jersey and his state’s shoreline was completely destroyed Governor Christie practically abandoned the Romney campaign, worked with Obama, and ended up giving him mounds of praise on his leadership qualities.
Romney spent the last day of that convention speaking to the gathered crowd and the nation watching a home, and he mocked… made fun of not just Barack Obama’s acceptance of climate change, but the whole Democratic Party’s acceptance of it. Two months later Hurricane Sandy hits and the nation is all-of-the-sudden reminded that Obama is actually a pretty good leader. He and the government he leads didn’t completely botch the response to this kind of disaster like his predecessor did with Hurricane Katrina. This would be a good place to remind everyone that a confirmed 1,833 Americans died during Hurricane Katrina.
The GOP convention was postponed last August due to inclement weather. On the last day of that convention Romney joked about Obama’s belief in climate change. Then Hurricane Sandy happened, and now Obama is polling like he polled before the first debate (effectively erasing any chance Romney ever had, which was always extremely slim to begin with). If you believe in god but don’t believe in climate change then you must accept that god is just a partisan liberal. Of course, if you don’t believe in god you most likely laugh at everything conservatives say anyway.
The world believes in climate change, and since 2008 the world has become increasingly in favor of how liberals run America, as opposed to how conservatives do it… which is nothing more than a never-ending string of nonsensical rhetorical attacks and changes rooted in vanity and hubris, while being completely devoid of self-awareness and foresight.
The Republican Party is dying in front of our very eyes.
The World Cup of Earth politics is upon us.
Trey Stancher

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Issue 2: Activism Attackin' the System

As a youth, most of my friends had convictions and moral obligations to themselves and their beliefs, which led them to live a certain lifestyle and restrain from engaging in certain activities.  As I've grown older, though, I've noticed many of the friends I had whom were once vegetarian have digressed to eating meat, instead of continuing on to become vegan, and many others have given up their restraints in place of drugs, sex, and alcohol. I'm far from a saint and quite often indulge in all things that have no benefit on my wellbeing, but it is the people's attitudes and denial of their past selves that seems like the tragedy to me.  On that note, it is refreshing to see that I still have a few friends who are willing to live their lives based on their beliefs, morals, and ethics, and are willing to risk their freedoms to do what is right, instead of just what’s accepted by the mainstream society. 
I recently spoke with a good friend who is actually taking the road less traveled in her mid twenties by standing up against a system of control that plagues us all, whether or not we are consciously aware of it. I talked to Rima about becoming vegan, protesting for animal rights, and becoming more and more certain that the USA does not have anyone’s best interest in mind when defining laws, regulations, and the “norm”.
We started simple by my asking her how she became vegan, since I still remember smashing Del Taco at her apartment years back. She told me that she could still remember the date. On February 15th, 2010, she and her ex-boyfriend were watching a documentary called Earthlings (narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, view for free online at  Thirty minutes into the movie that depicts all of the nightmarish ways that humans exploit animals unnecessarily for our own selfish and greedy nature, Rima and Robbie came to the realization that neither of them could go on living and eating the way that they were.  "Robbie was eating a steak while we were watching it and he set in on the table and looked at me and said 'I can’t do this anymore,'" Rima said.  The rest is history for them.  
As human beings from the planet earth, we've lost the connection to the earth and it's animals that we once possessed. Committing to a vegan lifestyle is about being aware of where your food is coming from and how nutritionally beneficial food can affect our physical and mental health beyond what we have been led to believe by traditional Western medicine and government-backed nutrition programs. Rima told me that she had been working with a 10-year-old boy with Autism at the time of her transition who had severe gastrointestinal issues (he was still in diapers), communication delays, and a host of other issues.  After switching him to a healthy vegan diet, the differences could be clearly seen in the boy’s personality and physical mechanics.  He has been out of diapers for two years now and plays and laughs like a typical child.  All of the issues he has were exacerbated by the pain he felt from an improper diet, and although his mother took him to every gastrointestinal “expert” around the country, appallingly, not one doctor asked what the boy was eating or made any attempts to alter his diet.  Any person allergic to gluten can tell you that their diet has more affect on their mood and feelings than any other factor in their lives.  We wonder why each generation has more and more depression, suicide, anxiety, and fear in their lives than the last and why we are dying of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer at alarming rates (all considered ‘lifestyle diseases’ by doctors and scientists who study plant-based diets), but do we recognize the separation that has happened between nature and man in this time?
I have known Rima since we were about 17-years-old and she has never been one to stay quiet or to keep her opinions to herself.  She has always been outspoken about her beliefs and with good reason.  She's always right.  Ok, maybe not always, but it's sometimes hard to counterpoint a kid who got her Master’s Degree before you finished your Associates. Rima told me that punk rock music was ultimately the medium that got her involved in the animal rights community.  She realized that all the lyrics of many punk rock songs (especially in regards to veganism and animal rights) were almost direct quotes of what she was preaching about to others.  She was at a Subhumans show in Los Angeles and there was an animal rights group at a table giving out literature and having people sign up for their e-mail list. This was the first step—get connected.  She signed up and began reading updates on what the group was doing and what they were trying to achieve. After getting updates and researching things that were happening, she decided to get her feet wet and go to an actual protest. She got the courage to go and went by herself.  She was one of five activists who showed up that day.  Five stoked activists.  Rima mentioned that the animal rights community is small despite people’s misperceptions of a militant vegan army waiting in the bunkers, and that many activists are connected around the world through social media.  There are many different groups that engage in different forms of activism with different convictions that are ultimately standing up for animals and humans against a system of government that is both detrimental to animals and enslaves humans.  As Rima said, “One Struggle, One Fight… Human Freedom, Animal Rights!”
So why doesn't everyone protest?  We can see that there is something wrong in society but yet we will not do anything about it.  Rima believes that being silent is to agree.  As we watch footage of militant cops pepper spraying peaceful protesters it can be discouraging for sure, but we have been taught since birth that we have free speech, so why are we afraid?  If you go too far with that free speech, it can and will be used against you in a court of law, that's why. Rima showed me a law that I was unaware of that basically takes away your freedoms as an American if you stick up for animals. It is called the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) and under this new law, the government can send you to trial as a domestic "terrorist" for anything from sitting and holding a sign at a protest, tweeting about articles related to animal activism, to more intense forms of activism like civil disobedience. The law covers degrees of intimidation, harassment, or any property or economic value that big businesses say was lost due to whatever activism you were doing. She gave me a recent example in the world of animal rights. An activist was recently arrested and is awaiting trial.  Though this person’s “crime” was not related to animal activism, because they had previous activism-related charges, their bail was raised from $20,000 to $500,000 under the AETA law.  Most child molesters and rapists’ bail do not exceed $100,000!  Although I don't have a first hand account of this, I can only imagine that the government can also use "necessary" force to try and get information out of this "terrorist" due to our country’s biggest umbrella for violence and ignorance, the Patriot Act. 
Don't think that to be an activist you have to risk your freedom, be militant, be viewed as a “crazy cat lady”, or be the weird animal recuse person with 37 dogs. This modern world provides us with tools such as the Internet where you can read about what's going on and take steps necessary to change things in your life, as well as being able to get connected to groups and organizations that are at the front lines of the fight. There are many student and public protests against vivisection (the barbaric and antiquated practice of performing operations on live animals for the purpose of experimentation or scientific research) that you can get involved in without the fear of being dragged to jail, for example.  You can leaflet on street corners, start and sign petitions, reach out to your Facebook community, write letters to political prisoners, to government agencies, to senators, or simply live your life in compassion as an example of how others can live.  Know the risks and repercussions before you find yourself somewhere you don't want to be. 
A main point Rima wanted to drive home is that the animal rights community is not simply fighting to end the exploitation of animals.  They are fighting to change the bigger issue of what is happening in our country. The pharmaceutical industry, the factory farming industry, the fashion and cosmetic industry, the prison industrial complex, and even major universities all profit from the ignorance of Americans and the exploitation of animals.  They profit when their products make us half-dead, sending us deeper into a spiral of reliance and addiction on more of their products and “medications”.   People may view animal activists as being “petty” because they only care about animals, but that is simply not true.  Everything is connected and we must constantly examine, where’s the money going?  Why is this system being maintained and who is profiting?  Rima assures us that it isn’t the animals, and it most certainly is not us.  Activists have no agenda, as they acquire ZERO wealth from their efforts and little recognition (Rima assured me that this is so).  They simply seek to bring the truth that they have been shown to those who have been blinded by advertising, huge corporations and pharmaceutical companies who reap in billions of dollars from our suffering and demise, government agencies, and the mainstream media.  They seek to end the suffering that mankind inflicts on itself and on any species that it encounters, as activists can uniquely see how we cause these problems and how they are all interconnected.  
The time for change is now. See the bigger picture and protect your dreams for your future.  Find out how you can be involved in ways that suit you.  If it’s not protesting in the streets, maybe it is writing articles for journals or disseminating information across different mediums, or simply living your life in a way that inspires others and is in line with your ethics and morals.  There is a huge community of vegans and advocates online on places life Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or tumblr that are happy to connect and share information and support you.  The bottom line is that there is always a way that you can get involved in a safe manner, as the world needs activists now more direly than ever.  In solidarity! 

Rima can be reached at and is more than happy to connect with anyone interested on finding out more information about making the compassionate switch to a vegan diet and lifestyle.  Follow her on Twitter at @rima_danielle!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Issue 2: the Calicos: Two Year Diary

the Calicos -Two Year Diary

If you're from the inland empire it's more then likely you've heard of the calicos, maybe seen them at a show, or they might even resemble some people that served you your beer last week in Redlands. Their debut album two year diary was released this summer and me being down here in San Diego somehow missed out on the news until recently. The dudes and gal were nice enough to send me a copy. I had seen the band play a few times in and around Redlands, but had never heard any recordings besides youtube videos. At some of the shows the PA wasn't always up to par so it was hard to hear some of the backing melodies and even lead vocals from time to time, so I was excited to listen to the album and really feel out some of the tracks. The opening track "Lonely Red Earth Mountain" is a good example of their dynamics durring a live show. The Percussionist Ryan Sarmiento sets the pace for Mr. Neuharth aka Gary to come in and lead the band with the folky garage licks and warming vocals. The third part of this trifecta is Shaina Turian on backing vox and snyth. For those of us who have grown up in the area we've watched Shaina jam publicly and at shows or at parties almost weekly. Her voice has been refined beautifully over the years and the combination of her and Nueharth's vocals sets the tone for the entire album. It has its guitar based leads and synth hooks, but in my opinion, overall it's the vocal melodies that stand out. The next two tracks "Den of Coiled Snakes" and "Footprints" showcase the guitar and synth as hooks that are catchy without being over used. The middle of the album gets a little more low key with solid folk riffs and slow dramatic build ups. The folk is then interrupted by the pop track "Bad News Bearer" and the 7 minute prog jam "A heavy Stone". Although its unlike most of the album its not out of place and in my opinion is in the best place it could be for the flow of this album. The album ends on a slower note with "leave it all up to grace" which builds up towards the end and finishes strong ready for you to just let the album repeat itself. So basically I liked this album. Go buy it now. Oh look you can buy it here

Issue 2: Nigh: a poem by A. Daniel M.

Nigh by Adamdaniel M.

Thingscometogether that were never meant to BE.
The commotion goes on undisturbed,
Fades with not a single word.
The list goes on.
Bad times are coming.
Sign of the times.
Let the good times roll.

A post-modern sentence.
Instant gratification.
It comes and &ym66607$ (symbols) go.
Post-apocalyptic hieroglyphics.
As an unkempt cat cultivating toothed claws.
Cutting through corporeality,
Dripping with the ripe flavor of the second.
The world moves on and freckles the memory gland.

Language crashes like lightning—swiftly.
Anxious energy built up like a dog, caged and violent.
Undying chaos lives and breathes so long as there is someone to document it and even
When no one is watching, perhaps.

We wait in silence. We pace around a waiting room. We roam the streets
We never cease to criticize all that we see.
We seize the skepticism found in everything.

Cities are busy Sunday through Sunday.
There is no rest for the wicked, reserved for the weary.
“Come Armageddon, come nuclear war!”
Urban decay is a slow-moving pathology eating away at us all.

Planes crash,
Invigorating some strange hate.
Some symbol of solidarity.
I have been faithless.

Things fall apart.
Language fails me.
So does love.
And I am a love fool with a foolproof plan.
Death is fail-safe.
Full-proof, it never fails.

Civilization + Art = A house made of cards.
Dominoes and butterflies.
Subtle affects leaving marks on earth’s axis.
Let the good times roll!
After the final episode we can always watch the reruns, but
We are never syndicated.