Friday, November 2, 2012

Issue 2: This Party's Dying

This Party’s Dying

“The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; In a dictatorship, you don’t have to waste your time voting”- Charles Bukowski
Wise words from an author who you either love or hate. While there are not many fence sitters regarding the works of the late author, everyone can at least recognize that Bukowski is planting his tongue firmly in his cheek, even if he knows there is some truth to his statement.
Over the last couple weeks, we’ve watched/skipped past/hurled obscenities at the television while the Republican and Democratic National Conventions were on. For both parties, it was the same as the last one four years ago. A man or woman stepped up to the podium and either defended their party or cursed the other one. And still things were right and wrong with the world.
Eventually, the two head honchos of both parties (that’s scientific-speak for “nominees”) made their speeches. These were supposed to be mind-blowing epiphanies for fence sitters and reaffirmations for those who had been standing by all along. The two heavyweights made their speeches in which they called each other names, took aim at one another’s character, and attempted to be witty in the process. And still things were right and wrong with the world.
After these speeches were done, The People took to their Facebook, Twitter, and blog accounts to post quotes (just the way this article does) that promoted their candidate’s plans for the future or put the opponent in the cross-hairs of less-than-witty wordplay. It read like a madlib.
________ will turn this country’s economy around with his plan to boost _______. However, (insert opponent) wants to destroy this country’s economy and moral fabric by _________. Vote for ______.
In 2012, it’s somewhat shocking to see the state of America’s two major parties and the dedication that their subscribers still have. No one is asking these men and women to make things perfect (both impossible and unwanted), but the RNC and DNC should have had more on their minds than feeding the world more lines. How can people still be die-hard Republicans or Democrats? There’s absolutely a difference between being liberal and being Democrat or being conservative and Republican. It’s time that supporters of both major parties take a good hard look and realize that neither party is your answer or has your best interest at heart. Sure, it’d be somewhat ridiculous and flat-out ignorant to say they are evil or anything else that borders on conspiracy, but look at the facts. Term after term, scandal after scandal, the two parties have converged closer and closer to becoming one corrupt conglomerate.
The next four years aren’t going to be the Golden Age of the U.S. (not that quickly anyway), and we’re most likely not going to cease being a country either. It’s more of an entertainment show, these preceding, I mean. Your vote is important, but not as important as the Republicans and Democrats want you to believe. They want to constrain your voice and movement to a one-time vote every four years. Don’t let it be. Push whatever you’re passionate about. Start a grassroots organization that helps to grow sustainable inner-city gardens. Start a club that peacefully promotes the 2nd Amendment. Anything. Do what matters to you and resist against the ease of voting party lines. What good you bring to the world is going to be far more important than whatever graying man or woman takes the Oval Office.

-Daniel Demaio

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