Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nerdpop: The World Cup of Politics

Our good friends at Nerdpop posted this yesterday, and it's some stuff i'd been thinking about concerning favoritism towards Obama post Sandy, and how the whole world has eyes on us today. Enjoy this little article contributed by nerdpop's resident milk drinking writer known as Trey Stancher.

It is often said of the four general election presidential debates that occur every four years that they are the “Super Bowl of politics”. This is due largely to the fact that it is the main event of general politicking. It’s not a primary debate—usually aired on cable news networks—in which mostly partisan voters pay attention. The four presidential debates (one being between the VP candidates) are aired on all four major networks that everyone who owns a television has access to. They are additionally run on those same cable news networks, in which the pre-and-post-analysis is often much more “beltway,” and the discussions rage on into the night and through the following week.
Indeed, the major networks forgo advertising dollars and regularly-scheduled programming to air 90 minute debates between people who are auditioning for leader of the free world. The United States Presidency is the most visibly office on Earth, and is therefore the center of the world’s politics. Regional disputes in areas like the Middle-East or South America, as well as political strife that occurs in Iran and Tibet… in everything there is always a role for the U.S. President, even if that role is refusing to take a role.
If the debates are the Super Bowl of politics then election day itself is the World Cup. Everyone, and I mean everyone around the world will be watching the United States on election day. Four years ago numerous nations had taken it upon themselves to hold mock elections. This year GlobeScan ran a 21-nation surveybetween Obama and Romney. Of the 21 nations polled a shoddy 9% favored Romney.
Canada went for Obama 2 to 1. France went for Obama 3 to 1. IN fact, the only nation involved with the poll that saw a majority favor Romney… was Pakistan. In other words, the nation that was housing Osama bin Laden for over 7 years is the same nation that Romney said we shouldn’t bother with in terms of bin Laden, and is the only nation that supports Mitt Romney.
It doesn’t really matter what other nations say about our election because, hey… they’re not going to vote, right? Yes, it’s true, however what is important is that this is all one very large flashing signal that Republicanism is dying on the world stage… and that will eventually lead to it dying within our borders. It will happen. It’s been happening for a few years now. You have an entire multi-state population of lower middle class people across the South that support a mega-rich Mormon. These are people that are generally skeptical of rich folk, and have also spent the last 100+ years being skeptical of Mormons. Yet, they’re voting for Romney in overwhelming numbers. They’re doing so because of generalized principles regarding taxes, all of which are arguments that have little-to-no anchor in reality. For example: When they say that Obama is trying to punish rich people by taking their money they are ignoring (or have no idea regardless) that Obama is merely wanting to return top tax rates to Clinton-era levels—which are proven-successful tax rates. Much more often than not, in an expected twist of hardcore irony all of those who complain about Obama “stealing from the rich and giving to the poor” are in fact poor themselves. To a guy like Romney the President is poor. After all, Romney is worth $250 million and makes $20 million a year… while Obama is worth $4-6 million and only makes $400k per year as President. It’s an act of political wizardry that so many Republicans think that their party considers them (with their small business and their $100-200k income) to be part of “the wealthy class”. The GOP doesn’t care about them, the GOP cares about guys like Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers. Those guys are rich. Those guys contribute to their campaigns, not you and your wife and kids. The fact of the matter is that the whole “One Percent” thing that Occupy Wall Street hinged upon is a matter of millions of dollars. You have to make more than $2 million per year to ACTUALLY be a part of the “One Percent”. If you’re not and you think you are then you are the political and economic equivalent of the house slave during World War II who considered himself to be part of the slave master’s family. You aren’t, and you’re not only an idiot to think that you are… you’re an idiot to defend them.
There’s another interesting angle on this, though. The Republican National Convention took place from August 27-30 in Tampa, Florida. It was originally scheduled to go for 5 days, but the first day was canceled due to Hurricane Isaac.
Last week Hurricane Sandy happened. It’s one of the largest storms on record, and if Obama’s handling of the disaster on the federal level doesn’t completely shit on Romney’s open theory that “everything” can be done on the state level (or even the private sector)… certainly Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie’s sudden adoration of the President does. Just days before the hurricane hit Governor Christie had railed against Obama’s leadership qualities in a speech. After the hurricane touched down in New Jersey and his state’s shoreline was completely destroyed Governor Christie practically abandoned the Romney campaign, worked with Obama, and ended up giving him mounds of praise on his leadership qualities.
Romney spent the last day of that convention speaking to the gathered crowd and the nation watching a home, and he mocked… made fun of not just Barack Obama’s acceptance of climate change, but the whole Democratic Party’s acceptance of it. Two months later Hurricane Sandy hits and the nation is all-of-the-sudden reminded that Obama is actually a pretty good leader. He and the government he leads didn’t completely botch the response to this kind of disaster like his predecessor did with Hurricane Katrina. This would be a good place to remind everyone that a confirmed 1,833 Americans died during Hurricane Katrina.
The GOP convention was postponed last August due to inclement weather. On the last day of that convention Romney joked about Obama’s belief in climate change. Then Hurricane Sandy happened, and now Obama is polling like he polled before the first debate (effectively erasing any chance Romney ever had, which was always extremely slim to begin with). If you believe in god but don’t believe in climate change then you must accept that god is just a partisan liberal. Of course, if you don’t believe in god you most likely laugh at everything conservatives say anyway.
The world believes in climate change, and since 2008 the world has become increasingly in favor of how liberals run America, as opposed to how conservatives do it… which is nothing more than a never-ending string of nonsensical rhetorical attacks and changes rooted in vanity and hubris, while being completely devoid of self-awareness and foresight.
The Republican Party is dying in front of our very eyes.
The World Cup of Earth politics is upon us.
Trey Stancher

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